Lighten Up!side Down

Lighten Up!side Down

I was given the challenge to make a quilt about joy. In this self-portrait, I am wearing some silly clothes I wore to go trick-or-treating with my kids. I'm not really this good at cartwheels, though! I inherited many of the fabrics from the stash of folksinger Gerry Armstrong when she died a couple of years ago. She taught me alot about many things in life, joy included, so this quilt is also a tribute to her.

Date: 2001

Size: 41" x 42"

Materials/techniques: cotton. organza, velvet, acetate, lamé, polyester, floss. machine appliquéd and quilted. hand embroidered.

Price: $2000.

Shown: Illinois Quilters Inc., 2001. Contemporary Midwestern Textile and Quilt Design, The Chicago Athenaeum at Schaumburg, IL. 2003. Contemporary Stitches, Barrington Area Arts Council, IL, 2003.

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